Remember in High School when they made us run a mile for Gym class? Well…that’s the way I remember it at least. I walked it. I received a passing score too because most human beings in their youth can walk a mile under 13ish minutes.
That’s what I did…barely.
It wasn’t until I was in my early 30s that I actually got out and ran (and I do mean ran) a full mile. The first time, I did it in about 12 mins.
It was awesome!!!
It was amazing to accomplish something that really was a thing I always wanted to do, but never applied or disciplined myself to do…or let myself do.
I had “exercise induced asthma”. It’s what the pediatrician said when I was young. He said it was why I became short winded when I ran.
I chose to smoke cigarettes for so many years before my 30s…destroying my lungs and deteriorating my body with the poison.
I didn’t think I had the time or the right stuff to do it right.
When I ran that first mile ever…I moved beyond those things. And I let my body decide after my mind pushed it a bit farther than it was comfortable with.
I ran more miles…and built longer distanced bases…and kept running for years after.
I ended up participating in an Ironman 70.3 when I turned 40. It was brilliant. Not fast…but brilliant.
That very first mile was the hurdle. It was the mental block I had to overcome to get farther. It was the thing that my mind had to say - “absolutely, without a doubt, I’m gonna frickin’ do it” - to.
I think my first shoes only cost $25 dollars.
I walked out my front door and ran around the neighborhood.
It only took a mile.
That mile was awesome. It was the mile I never ran…before running my first mile. There are many other first miles I hope I keep pressing forward to run as well. They’re worth it.
Hardest run I’ve ever done.
So grateful for the support to finish this one. Me in the center with friends on both sides.