Tim in foreground, buddy in background. Little Pikes Peak in they way back.
Tim Schardt, RO Staff, has been a bike technician in Colorado Springs for years. His favorite ride in all of Colorado is the Pikes Peak Plummet. He’s done this 28 mile bad boy over 40 times! And this is how he does it:
Tim drives up the Pikes Peak Highway, getting to the toll gate around 7:30 a.m. He likes to drive to the summit for some photo ops. It’s one of the highest places in North America where one can take a bicycle!
Tim’s whip.
Then, he rides 2 miles down the toll road to Devil’s Playground and the Elk Park Trailhead. Fun facts from Tim!: From 1939 to 1984, Elk Park had a ski lift. And an old growth forest with 800-900 year old pine trees is nearby as well. Elk Park Trail goes for 8-10 miles before hitting Barr Camp.
Tim likes to chat it up with the Park Ranger at Barr Camp and have a few leftover pancakes the Barr Camp staff make for campers each morning.
From there, he hits the Lake Moraine Trail for 3 miles. The 1st mile is nice and flowy and the 2nd two miles have 1,200 feet of climbing.
Then he hits Jones Park before hopping on the iconic #667 trail, also known as Captain Jacks. He takes Gold Camp Road before hitting up the famous upper and lower Chutes. Lastly, he winds his way through Stratton Open Space to his car chillin’ in the parking lot.
It’s a 4-6 hour ride - depending how hard Tim hustles. A long but breathtaking day!
If you need someone to arrange a ride for The Plummet, give Tim a call. 719 641 9528