Trailblazers is a group of mountain bikers, runners, and hikers that congregate at Trails End Tap Room every Wednesday night to hit the trails at Red Rocks Canyon Open Space. Also, Trails End has a mountain bike race team that races throughout Colorado.
Curt Mulick is both a Trailblazers’ regular and a Trails End Race Team member. Originally from NY State, Curt started riding at age 25. His friend lent him an extra bike, a Trek 8200 hard tail with a big cushioned seat, and he started riding that bad boy all the time. He moved to Colorado in 2016 to study mechanical engineering at UCCS and since then has been riding all over the state (albeit with a new bike).
His first race was in 2018 - the WMBA Purple Pursuit on The Air Force Academy’s Falcon Trail. Four years later In 2022, he dove in and absolutely loved riding in the Moonrise Summer MTB Series - a local Friday night race series hosted by Aravaipa.
He participated in the first one, Lunar Liftoff, at Cheyenne Mountain State Park in June. The race was split up into the ‘Never Evers” for first time riders, Juniors ages 9-17, Intermediates, and Experts. The race had 70-80 riders and Curt finished the 7 mile, fairly technical route in 42 minutes and change. He enjoyed Aravaipa’s beer garden and quesadillas afterward and appreciated having the full weekend to recover.
In July, Curt participated in the 2nd race of the series, The Gravity Grinder at Ute Valley. It was a beautiful 3 lap, 2.7 mile course. And he finished the season off with The Quarter Crusher - the final race in the series at the techy Palmer Park.
Ladies getting ready for The Lunar Liftoff
Curt also volunteers with Aravaipa pre and post race, which gives him $10/hour in credits for future races.
You can find Aravaipa on Instagram, often tabling at Trailblazers on Wednesday nights, or at other group rides around town. Aravaipa also hosts trail running races and a Monday night run at Fossil Craft Beer Co.