Jason Mezey

Jason Mezey

Founder and Owner at Routes Outfitter.

Originally from the Denver area, he grew up riding and tinkering with bikes. A young master at disassembling and reassembling…just to discover how it all worked. He dove into skiing for his first time at age 8 and then on to snowboarding primarily in high school and from then on.

Later after high school, he spent some time working at a well known ski shop in southeast Denver (A side-gig to his punk band dreams. Lost dreams eventually). Learning the skills…sort of paying the bills…he pressed on from shop-life into the “real world” of construction work.

Married in 1999 to Kristin Mezey…and living the adventure ever since. 4 awesome kids (ridiculously athletic) deepen that adventure every day. The Mezey family spends much of their time together out and about in the youth sports world - from soccer to swimming to DH racing.

Besides serving as the head mechanic and general manager for Routes, he also spends quite a bit of time in the non-profit world serving in a position at Young Life - a global youth focused organization dedicated to being in relationship with young people, loving them deeply, and introducing them to Jesus.

He’s built a house for his family (for real!), spent 8+ years in construction, over 15 years working for 2 major global nonprofits, finished an Ironman 70.3 and many other century rides, running events, and mountainous adventures, and spends thousands of hours as his kids’ primary cheerleader.

He most of all loves being part of the community of outdoorists in Colorado Springs and beyond, and believes that the outdoorist mindset is one of community, compassion, conservation, and wellness at its core. An outsider of sorts from the norms of popular culture. A ROutsider.

Routes Outfitter has been a passion business since day one, and he hopes it continues to grow as an influential and impactful business in the outdoor industry. It’s about kindness in the end…and insanely cool gear and equipment to help move everyone to be outside and well.