Are you a new Rider or Outdoorist in the area...or to outdoor recreation in general?
Mark your calendar and join us for an evening of celebration, connection, and preparation for an awesome summer season! We want to celebrate all the new outdoorists and riders we have locally, and share the many ways you can get connected to our outdoor community here in the Colorado Springs area!
What can you expect to experience?
-A fun night with fellow outdoorists and riders gearing up for this year's summer season of getting out there!
-Some beverages, snacks, and giveaways provided by SRAM
-The chance to hear lots of great info on how to make the best of this upcoming season
What can you expect to learn?
-How to get connected to trail advocacy groups...
-Info on local group rides & race teams...
-What should you carry on the trail...
-Rules and best practices of the trails...
-Handy information to have in general!